Endorsements of Lloyd Larsen
Lloyd Larsen has wide support across Fremont Count and across Wyoming. Join these individuals and vote for Lloyd Larsen for House District #54.
Organizaton Endorsements:
Associated General Contractors of Wyoming | Wyoming Mining Association |
Wyoming Credit Unions | Wyoming Medical Association |
Wyoming Realtors | Wyoming Rural Electric Association |
Wyoming Public Employees Association | National Rifle Association “A” rating |
Wyoming Community Service Providers | Support from: Wyoming Hospital Association |
Petroleum Association of Wyoming |
Community Endorsements:
Lloyd Best Represents Us and Our Views:
As proud citizens of House District 54, we have come to know and trust our representative, Lloyd Larsen. Lloyd has been a steadfast advocate for our community in the legislature, championing policies that reflect our values and striving to improve the lives of his constituents.
Lloyd Larsen is a consistent advocate for all of Fremont County. His voting record and willingness to listen and engage voters indicate he truly cares about representing his constituents. Lloyd Larsen is a shining example of the best Wyoming has to offers.
Petroleum Marketers and Convenience Stores Endorse Representative Lloyd Larsen
“Lloyd Larsen is tested, knowledgeable and experienced in the very topics that will help the state turn the corner on diversifying the economy while not forgetting those industries that paved the way for Wyoming’s successes. His business acumen, ability to analyze program efficacy, and drive to assure his communities voices are heard, is his legacy. Lloyd is the epitome of statesmanship and strong conservative principles with a pragmatic vision for the future. Most importantly, Lloyd listens, learns, is always helping and then leading. Lander and Fremont County … and the State of Wyoming, have benefitted from Lloyd Larsen’s representation. He has earned our support for another term.”
Steve Harshman, Former Speaker of the House
“Lloyd is classic Wyoming. He is hardworking, caring and dedicated. He has been a great representative for the people of House District 54. His business experience, outstanding family and can do attitude serve the people of Fremont county and our precious state so well. He works tirelessly on the issues that affect all of us. His common sense is much needed in keeping Wyoming Wonderful.”
Ron Hansen, Business Owner and Rancher
“Communication, willingness to act and be open-minded are critical in today’s business landscape.
This is exactly what Rep. Lloyd Larsen has given me and my business over the past years.”
Kristi Racines, Wyoming State Auditor
“It has been a great pleasure to work with Rep. Larsen in the Legislature. He is often the first to arrive and the last to leave, and his dedication has made him one of the most respected and effective members of the House. He works tirelessly to protect and advance the interests of Fremont County and the State of Wyoming.”
Reese Peterson, Business Owner
“Representative Larsen heard my concerns and has been instrumental in putting Wyoming businesses in the driver’s seat in this large bid. Our products will be specified, we have the in state preference on the bid, and we have been able to sell our product to the staff locally. I am so grateful Representative Larsen is choosing Wyoming and fighting to keep our hard earned money Wyoming.”
Tim Bales, Business Owner
“I believe that Lloyd’s actions display the qualities of a dedicated, competent and accountable candidate. His concern for a problem of a common citizen reflects a person of great integrity, sincerity and honesty.”
Mandy Fabel, Community Leadership
“Lloyd has demonstrated both leadership and compassion is his role as a Wyoming State Legislature. Whether discussing tops as a friendly neighbor or drawing the hard line in Cheyenne, Lloyd has the knowledge and experience to be successful.”
Vince Irene, Lander Medical Provider
Lloyd Larsen is very informed on a vast array of issues in our state; such as energy, environment, education, health services, taxes, business, and finance. Most of all, Representative Larsen is honest; he seeks for what is true and for the greatest benefit of all Wyoming citizens.
Tanya Knell, Healthcare
“Lloyd is a strong and accessible advocate for the people of Wyoming in the Medicaid Waiver Program. He spends countless hours meeting with providers, fielding phone calls from families that are affected by these changes, and scheduling and attending meetings with other legislators in our area to help them understand the issues at hand.”