Updates from Appropriations

This week is “hell week” for the appropriations committee we are presenting and defending the supplemental budget.  Yesterday the day ended at the capitol building at 11:45 pm.  We heard all of the second reading amendments  yesterday, after presenting the budget bill in the Committee of the Whole on Monday.  Tomorrow we hear all of the 3rd reading amendments, we have been successful thus far in providing additional funding for the Wyoming Permanent Wildlife Trust Fund, and putting additional funds in for our Senior Citizen Centers and Senior Citizen Board. 

I was also able to pass my personal bill HB108 for contractors receiving their final payments on public projects out of the House along with my Joint Resolution that will put a constitutional amendment on the ballot of your next general election to give cities more ability to fund sewer projects.  I also got my personal bill HB216 regarding the Children’s Trust Fund past the first reading today.

My opportunity to present the Department Health’s budget to the House.

My opportunity to present the Department Health’s budget to the House.