Trip to D.C. for Tax Academy and Conversations
House Speaker Steve Harshman asked me to attend a NCSL Budget and Tax Academy in Washington DC. It was a very interesting few days interacting with legislators from around the country to learn what they are doing in their states in regards to balancing their budgets and what is impacting that process. Wyoming’s challenges associated with the closure of power plants is very similar to New Mexico, they are already seeing some serious impacts to education funding and funding to local governments.
I engaged with the legislators from Utah in a productive discussion on electrical vehicles. It is a united prediction from industry that the percentage of electrical vehicles on our highways will be a significant percentage of the total number, and because they will not be purchasing gasoline or diesel the states will see a significant reduction in fuel tax revenue directed to maintenance and construction of highways.
I met with Senator Barrasso, and the staff of Congressman Cheney and discussed issues impacting Fremont County and Wyoming such and Medicaid, and Bureau of Indian Affair policies impacting the Wind River Reservation, and suggestions to help our veterans receive better care as they get older.